Franklin Products and The Youth’s Safety Company are proud to offer the best in Fire and Life Safety Educational Products. Throughout our 50-year history, we have been helping our nation’s brave firefighters teach children about Fire Prevention and Fire and Life Safety. We’ve built up partnerships with firefighters in every state across the country to help get the message of Fire Safety out to millions of children every year.
Incorrect Municipality listings on the web, phone and maps are frustrating for the public and members of the community. Take control of your municipality listings with OMG National! We have direct integrations with the industry’s largest network of maps, apps, search engines, and social networks, so your locations perform better in search and citizens can find you at the moment of decision.
- Where is the Water Department
- Where is the closest Police Department?
- Are there any dog parks in the area?
- Can you give me the non emergency phone number for the Police?
These questions need accurate answers. People search by SIRI, Cortana, Alexa and other Voice Assistants as well as car navigation, computer searches and phone query.